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EDHEC’s new Paris campus was recently inaugurated with the participation of Laurent Wauquiez, France’s Minister for Higher Education and Research,




Bruno Bich, Chairman of Groupe BIC, and Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC Business School.

Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC Business School, welcomed 400 prestigious guests and donors to the inauguration, which took place in the presence of Laurent Wauquiez, France's Minister for Higher Education and Research.

Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist, presented his vision of the world's 10 leading global corporations in 2035, in the form of a round table comprising Bruno Bich, Chairman of Groupe BIC, Olivier Oger and Laurent Wauquiez.

The new executive campus responds to corporate needs for executive education programmes and research that are of direct use for the economy and business, while also further reinforcing EDHEC's links with economic and political decision-makers.

The Paris campus perfectly illustrates the EDHEC for Business strategy. As explained by Dean, Olivier OGER: This innovative strategy was conceived in response to the accelerating pace of business, and the changes and increasing complexity of the challenges and issues facing companies. All our activities, research and training are geared to satisfying business needs. Our management research and training programmes are designed to furnish companies with innovative ideas and the tools they need to run their businesses. This EDHEC for Business strategy is particularly active on our three executive campuses, located in the heart of world financial capitals: London, Singapore, and now Paris. The Paris campus focuses more specifically on executive education and economic research.

View the video in french

Virtual visit of the new campus


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