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EDHEC researchers win two spots among top 15 economists in France as ranked by Les Echos




EDHEC Business School professors Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes and Giuseppe Bertola were recently spotlighted in the French economic newspaper Les Echos for their ranking among the top 15 economic researchers in France, and for their important contributions to the international body of economic research.

The article, which was published as part of a special section on finance and the financial crisis, highlights EDHEC Business Schools’s impressive standing among France’s elite education institutions, as well as the school’s excellent research and teaching staff. EDHEC was the only business school that made the list.

Mr. Lopez-de-Silanes, a professor of finance and scientific director of the EDHEC Family Business Centre, and Mr. Bertola, a professor of economics, were ranked #6 and #7 respectively. To create the list, Les Echos used information from the “Ideas” database, a digital library of economic research papers that is managed by and housed at the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis in the United States of America.

Mr. Lopez-de-Silanes joined EDHEC Business School in 2007 after teaching engagements at Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Amsterdam and l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. He received his PhD from Harvard and is an expert in the areas of international corporate finance, financial markets, legal reform and privatization. His research has appeared in leading academic publications including the Journal of Economic Policy and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Mr. Bertola is director of the Labour and Economics Programme at the Centre for Economic Policy Research and a member of the EDHEC-Risk Institute. He has been a member of the EDHEC faculty since 2011. Previously he held faculty positions at the University of Turin, the European University Institute, and Princeton University. Mr. Bertola has also served as an advisor to the European Commission and the European Central Bank. His research focuses on the macroeconomics of labour as well as financial market structures and institutions. His works has been published in leading journals such as the American Economic Review, the European Economic Review and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. He received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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