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Edhec research listed on the New-York stock exchange




Teams of EDHEC -Risk Institute create new forms of indices that serve as supports for financial products in Paris, London, Frankfurt, but also New York.

Since 2006, EDHEC-Risk Institute is developing extensive research on index construction "smart". These indices allow investors to strongly outperform traditional equity indices are popular with institutional investors (sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, pension funds, etc.), because they allow them at very low cost, to do much better in terms of risk-adjusted performance that the vast majority of asset managers.

EDHEC-Risk Institute in partnership with a leading provider, FTSE, thus provided methodologies that have been used for many years by leading global investors. In France, the Reserve Fund for Pensions and ERAFP (additional funding of the public service pensions) are users of these indices.

Afetr having seen the listing in 2014 of ETFs replicating Scientific Beta clues to the stock exchanges in Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan and Paris, January 26, 2015, the company announced the ETF Securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange two funds replicating Scientific Beta indices designed to Nice by EDHEC-Risk Institute.


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