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EDHEC ranks well in 2014!




At the end of every year, several media organisations publish their business school rankings. Great news: EDHEC once again ranks among the best!


3rd best Master’s in Finance. The School’s MSc in Financial Markets has earned accolades for years and continues to attract students from across the world to its Nice campus. The Financial Times has awarded it 3rd spot in this year’s rankings. 

4th best French School in the world rankings, making EDHEC the 16th best Business School worldwide.

> The Financial Times 2014 rankings


level 5th place in the overall rankings. Taking into account the school’s reputation, its international dimension, career prospects, research, selectivity and social aspects, Le Figaro ranked EDHEC 5th in its 2014 table.

> Le Figaro’s 2014 rankings

2nd for academic excellence. A wonderful achievement for EDHEC’s teaching staff, who have been rewarded for their work by the magazine L'Etudiant. EDHEC is ranked second for the quality of its academic work. It is also worth noting that the BBA programme (formerly run by Espeme) ranks 3rd among all third-level courses.

> L'Etudiant’s 2014 rankings

1st place for alumni satisfaction levels in relation to our network of graduates. This brings us great satisfaction as well as to all of EDHEC’s 24,000 graduates. Based on a survey involving graduates from 2010 to 2013, EDHEC Alumni has been recognised as the French graduate network that brings most satisfaction to its members. Warmest thanks to all for this wonderful achievement! 

> L'Etudiant's alumni satisfaction rankings



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