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EDHEC professor wins prestigious IBM Faculty Award




EDHEC Professor Bertrand Monnet has been named a 2014 IBM Faculty Award winner – a prize that rewards research collaboration and classroom innovation.

Since 2005, Professor Monnet has held the EDHEC Business School Chair in Criminal Risks Management. He conducts forensic research that focuses on the criminal and terrorist risks faced by multinational companies. His areas of expertise include piracy, cybercrime, fraud, extortion, counterfeiting, terrorist attacks, kidnapping and money laundering.

His research is based on field surveys and interviews with top management at some of the world’s largest companies. He also conducts field research and interviews within criminal organizations in Japan, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Somalia, among other countries. Professor Monnet teaches in a wide range of EDHEC programmes: Bachelor, Master, Master of Sciences, Executive MBA, AMP and MBA.

The IBM Faculty Award is highly-competitive and recognises the excellence of Professor Monnet’s teaching as well as the importance of his research to the high-tech industry in which IBM plays a leading role.
According to IBM officials, the Faculty Awards is intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities and those in IBM research and development; and to promote courseware and curriculum innovation to stimulate growth in disciplines and geographies that are strategic to IBM.

Professor Monnet received confirmation of the award from Jeffrey Brody, program manager of Global University Programs at IBM. “I am delighted to provide you with this award, and I wish you much success in your endeavours,” Mr. Brody wrote to Professor Monnet.
We are very proud of this award, both for our colleague and the school. It proves that original research that is based on pressing business issues and that enriches our students’ learning is greatly appreciated by companies”, said Christophe Roquilly, Dean for Faculty and Research at EDHEC.

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