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EDHEC new project: share with us




As from December, five students from all years combined (B3, M1 FE, M1 BM, M2 FE, M2 BM) will have the chance to discuss the full spectrum of subjects linked to their career plans directly with Florence Da Costa. The initiative is aimed at enabling students to express themselves freely and without constraints, regarding their ideas, wishes and other matters relating to their professional projects. This initiative tallies perfectly with the Career Center’s objective of providing ever-more assistance to Edhec students in preparing their future careers. All students - B3, BM, FE, off-site year, academic exchanges - are invited to view the discussions on campus or on webex.

You can apply to as soon as you receive the newsletter on 6 November, by providing details of your experience to date. The first five will be chosen.

Why launch this initiative?

“As I emphasised in my speech at the start of the academic year, the Career Centre’s objective is to act as a business partner for Edhec students in helping them to succeed with their professional projects. The format chosen for this initiative is vital, given our need to be more competitive and to construct career projects together. It is designed as a sort of all-round informal assessment, in which I will listen to everything, even criticism (providing it is constructive of course)!"

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