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EDHEC Management Institute - CSM - degree award ceremony




Welcomed by Benoit ARNAUD, Director of EDHEC Management Institute and Martine CAFFIAUX, Director of the Advanced Management Programme,* the 30 graduates from the Class of CSM 2011 celebrated the end of their programme with their families in a truly fitting manner.

For this special occasion, the participants asked outside speakers to come and share their experiences on the topic of “How to resolve the equation: Well-being at work + Performance Management."

The 4 speakers, Valérie HODIN, Human Resource Manager from TRANSPOLE, Emmanuel Henry BROCHARD, Company doctor from RENAULT group, Olivier BRUN, Associate Director of GREENWORKING, and Bertrand CAMILLI, from the Immobilier d'Exploitation management team of the AG2R LA MONDIALE group, addressed the future managers giving them a few very concrete ideas on how to identify the main causes of dysfunction within an entity and how to create the right conditions for well-being. In addition to improvements to the working environment, the main message was that we need to invent new ways of managing that put the employee at the heart of business.

*The Advanced Management Programme (CSM) is a 10-month, part-time operational management programme. It is designed for experienced professionals who wish to move up the managerial ladder and develop their managerial skills.


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