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EDHEC Global MBA #7 in the world for Opening New Career Opportunities in the Economist latest rankings




The latest Which MBA? By The Economist rankings have just been revealed and EDHEC is proud to announce that our Global MBA has been ranked 7th worldwide and 2nd in Europe for opening new career opportunities.


As well as being the top school in France and #2 in Europe for opening new career opportunities, EDHEC’s full-time programme also stands out in the diversity category, where it is ranked 8th worldwide for diversity of recruiters and 6th in the world for the diversity found in the class.

Overall, the programme placed amongst the best MBAs in the world at #32 worldwide, 7th in Europe and 3rd in France. In addition, EDHEC now ranks 7th in Europe for careers services (according to alumni) and 6th worldwide for educational experience. The Economist rankings are unique in the fact that respondents are both current students and recently graduated alumni, reflecting the overall performance, impact and satisfaction of the programme itself as well as the ultimate outcomes following graduation, demonstrating the success and progress of EDHEC’s alumni throughout the world.

Sandra Richez, EDHEC Global MBA Programme Director commented, “Most of our students joined the EDHEC programme to make a significant career change and to expand their international perspectives, gaining a greater understanding of global business and culture. Being ranked as one of the top schools in the world for opening new career opportunities by our students and alumni is extremely rewarding - it means we are helping them to achieve their aims through a combination of a personal development-focused core programme combined with customised tracks and projects, hands-on learning and dedicated MBA-level career support.”.

In the recently-released QS MBA rankings, the EDHEC Global MBA entered the top 10 worldwide for return on investment, which also factored in career progression, accessible tuition fees, opportunity costs and salary progression, again confirming the strong performance of EDHEC alumni and the effectiveness of the programme’s career services and personalised support.

To find out more about our alumni career stories, read our latest career report here.

To read the full ranking, click here

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