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EDHEC Foundation: a great mobilization to finance the Emergency Fund.




The EDHEC community has rallied extensively on behalf of our students: 341 of you responded to our call for solidarity, within the framework of the creation of the Emergency Fund.

€250,000 was raised. EDHEC will match your donations up to an additional €200,000. Thanks to you, some 100 students hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis have already received help. As you can see, some beneficiaries have expressed their gratitude to you. This response is very encouraging for the future. It will make it possible to continue to support students in difficulty, by continuing the allocation of exceptional aid and strengthening the EDHEC for All scholarship system at the start of the next academic year. This movement of solidarity towards the new generations is consistent with the EDHEC transformation project carried by the 2025 strategic plan "Impact Future Generations". 

Many thanks to all donors for their generosity and support!

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