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EDHEC consolidates its position among the Top 20 Masters in Management worldwide




The Financial Times 2015 rankings of Masters in Management: EDHEC Business School ranked 18th worldwide and confirmed its position in the world Top 20, while also cementing its 4th place among French business schools.

In domestic terms, EDHEC continues to climb the table, while internationally we kept our place in the world top 20, whereas other French business schools have been adversely affected by fiercer competition”, underlines Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC Business School.

The FT rankings of Masters in Management witnessed some sizeable changes, with 12 schools having dropped by at least 8 places, the number of schools rated having risen from 70 to 80 since last year, 6 Asian schools having entered the rankings this year and a wide variety of programmes, particularly in terms of size, having been ranked.   

EDHEC graduates in demand with businesses
EDHEC Business School graduates are among the most highly sought-after by companies and among the best paid, particularly internationally. An Emolument survey this summer, for example, placed Edhec graduates ahead of those from prestigious British institutions like Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College: best_paid_finance_graduates_university

Other international rankings
June 2015: EDHEC Business School ranked 5th worldwide in the Financial Times ranking of Masters in Finance (based on a three-year average).
May 2015: EDHEC Business School ranked 2nd in France in the Financial Times Executive Education ranking.

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