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EDHEC career webinars during the lockdown




The EDHEC Career Centre for life keeps supporting Alumni in this time when human connections must not be broken. The events on the Paris EDHEC campus or collaborations with other student and graduate associations have been relocated online until the end of June. Get useful tips from eight webinars to be prepared for the post-COVID-19 world:


Tuesday, 21 April at 10:00 am, with Silvia Marichalar: "Careers Drop in Hours: jeunes diplômés "
(in French)

Tuesday, 28 April at 10:00 am, with Silvia Marichalar: "Careers Drop in Hours: jeunes diplômés"
(in French)

Wednesday, 29 April at 12:20 pm, with Isabelle Ruffin-Sathicq: "Trucs astucieux pour organiser votre recherche d'emploi"
In partnership with Mines Alumni
(in French)

Tuesday, 5 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "Reach your maximum potential!"
In partnership with ESCP Alumni

Wednesday, 6 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "La crise, une grande opportunité pour se connaître"
(in French)

Tuesday, 12 May at 12:30 pm, with Élisabeth Bourdin: "Comment manager des équipes virtuellement"
(in French)

Thursday, 14 May at 12:30 pm, with Camille Guise (EDHEC Master 2004): "Comment gérer son anxiété en situation de stress"
(in French)

Tuesday, 19 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "Trouver du sens pour se réinventer"
(in French)

Thursday, 11 June at 9:00 am, with Marie-Luce Barthélémy: "Identifier et se réapproprier ses solidités"
(in French)


Whenever you want: registered webinar with Silvia Marichalar & Sarah Hurst: "Building an effective international CV"



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