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EDHEC and Sciences Po Lille: a strategic alliance




Both recognised for their academic excellence and impact on society, EDHEC Business School and Sciences Po Lille are pleased to announce the forthcoming signature of a strategic partnership.

EDHEC Business School and Sciences Po Lille forge a strategic alliance

The two institutions reveal their ambition to co-develop several initiatives, and particularly to create a degree programme for students wishing to specialise in public policy management. 

This strategic alliance with one of France’s most prestigious political sciences schools fits with EDHEC’s intention to train multifaceted managers. Emmanuel Métais, Directeur Général de l’EDHEC

An innovative double degree in Public Policy Management

Changes affecting western democracies are forcing public sector actors to find responses to numerous challenges: reducing budget deficits and structural debt, developing mechanisms for regulating a globalised economy, covering the overriding democratic need to systematically assess the effects of laws and regulations, or making the climate emergency a major priority for public policies

Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC, underlines that “this strategic alliance with one of France’s most prestigious political sciences schools fits with EDHEC’s intention to further extend its impact on the public sector and train “composite managers”. We will be signing more strategic alliances with renowned and complementary institutions both in France and abroad, in order to equip more talents with the dual know-how and skills needed to excel in both management and fields such as political sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, design, law or journalism.”

Due for launch in September 2020, the new curriculum will enable some 30 students from the two institutions to pursue solid training in public policy management. After two academic years split between the EDHEC and Sciences Po Lille campuses as well as a professional internship, students will obtain both a Master in Management from EDHEC and a Master in Public Policy Management from Sciences Po Lille. The double-degree programme is designed for students seeking careers in public administrations and the private sector, particularly in consulting firms, as well as in international organisations, NGOs and European institutions. 

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