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Donator of the month: Wissam Farah (1996)




When I make a donation to EDHEC, it’s a way of showing my solidarity with the School, as well as contributing to its credibility in the field of finance – the area in which I work in London.

I’m proud of the effort made by EDHEC and its reputation in cutting edge sectors and on the international stage, where the school has made huge progress. I decided to earmark my donation to help students by the allocation of scholarships. The tax advantages of these donations are very generous as for every euro donated = 1 euro of taxes is recovered by the School. I hope my action is copied by other alumni. Everyone can give something according to what they can afford. It’s not a very big investment in terms of time and the impact is considerable!"

Take part to the Inter-classes challenge!

Wissam Farah (EDHEC GE 1996)


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