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Discover the interview of Morgane West, responsible for Market Intelligence and Marketing Strategy for the Amaris Group.




Can you tell us about your career path?

My career path is anything but classic, whether in terms of experiences, countries or responsibilities. I have studied statistics and finance, management and strategy for my master's degree in business administration. I've lived in Brisbane, London, Lille, Madagascar, Reunion Island, Mauritius and now Brussels.
With my scientific baccalaureate in 2009, I went to Australia to study English. I've stayed for a Bachelor degree in international business. But I missed Europe. So I went to London to take a Bachelor's degree in Statistics and Finance. Secondly, I wanted to acquire transversal skills, especially in management. I was advised to enroll in EDHEC. I joined the business school by international admissions in 2012.
I have opted for a Master's degree in Business Management at the Lille campus for my first year. I was also part of a student association, “5e Set”, where I was in charge of Handisport. After a year working at Bonduelle in Villeneuve d'Ascq as an internal auditor, I returned to EDHEC for my final year of my Master's degree, which I did in Strategy and Organizational Consultancy, also in Lille.
For several years, humanitarian aid has been close to my heart and I wanted to invest myself in it. After graduating, I worked in Madagascar for a humanitarian mission: I worked in project management and investment budget management on collective farm construction and agricultural development projects. Once the mission was over, I didn't want to come back to France.

After Australia and England, I moved to Africa. There I have found a job in Mauritius, at Amaris, to which I decided to apply. I started as a Corporate Development Officer in VIE and contributed to the operational and international development of the group. At Amaris, I was entrusted with various responsibilities and missions. They trusted me and I quickly learned new skills. International has a key place in the group, who facilitate and encourage mobility, and after one and a half year in Mauritius, I left to continue my mission still at Amaris in Brussels.

What do you do now ?

I am responsible for Market Intelligence and Marketing Strategy for the Amaris Group. I am now based in Brussels. I manage a team of 10 people in Vietnam, Mauritius and Spain.
As a Market Intelligence Manager, I am responsible for identifying and evaluating the growth opportunities of the Amaris Group. Indeed, through the analysis of the Amaris ecosystem, the Market Intelligence team evaluates growth opportunities such as country openings, diversification of offers or the identification of new markets.
As head of marketing strategy, I take part in defining the positioning of the Amaris group and its offers. For example, when the group moved to Hong Kong, I carried out competitive studies to determine the business strategy to adopt.
As soon as I arrived, Amaris trusted me and allowed me to take on more responsibilities. I am confronted every day with challenges that allow me to learn and evolve.

Have you been able to take advantage of the EDHEC Alumni network at any time?

The EDHEC network really helped me. When I arrived in Africa, I didn't have a job and didn't know anyone. In active research, I came into contact with the EDHEC community present there. I have been put in contact with business leaders who have been able to enlighten me about local market opportunities and advise me on how to find a job in my field.


What advice would you give to a future graduate ?

As you can see, I didn't have the typical career path of a business school student. I chose to follow my desires, I did not hesitate to move all over the world. This is something that I highly recommend to students because it brings a different approach and makes it possible to think differently. The VIE has been one of the best tools to move with Amaris. It's a contract that has allowed me to have a position of responsibility in the early stages of my career.
Finally, I would advise them to take risks, because it is in the unknown that we learn the most. Be bold :)

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