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Cyril Temin, EDHEC 2002, presents Agrilend




Cyril Temin presents Agrilend, the first crowdlending platform dedicated to the agricultural sector.

Can you explain briefly how your project came about? 
With the beginning of the end of the banking monopoly in 2014, greater access to new technologies, changes in the regulatory framework for crowdfunding, and our understanding of the agricultural and winegrowing sectors, a year ago we decided to come up with a new financing solution for the agricultural sector.

Why this project? And how? 
A meeting with my associates and the desire to provide a major sector (agriculture) with a new source of financing and also offer savers new options.

What is your initial assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?
Enthusiasm, satisfaction, a sense that we are meeting a real and strong demand, fantastic human relationships, and our first successful venture when we opened our website up to the public. Our first fundraising campaign is also up and running. But so many more things have yet to be done for this project to reach maturity and to be considered a success.

Avez-vous pu profiter à un moment ou un autre du réseau EDHEC Alumni ?
I had my first interaction with it on 12 December 2017 as part of a business pitching session for our next fundraising campaign.

What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs? 
Ensure you have the right people around you, don’t keep anything to yourself and above all talk to your staff and associates, don’t underestimate the time it takes to roll out a project as it will inevitably take longer than you think for a whole load of reasons, and plan for the right level of financing so you can hold on as long as possible before revenue starts to take off...

What’s next for your company? 
New projects going online, agreements with institutional and corporate investors, and the launch of new products and fundraising in 2018.

What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates? 
Support via social networks to gain publicity for our business offer and increase our lending base, and identify professional contacts who could be useful in forming partnerships (e.g. major agri-food groups, farming cooperatives, financial institutions and banks, etc.).

More information:
Cyril TEMIN - 07 69 77 00 92
-Twitter : @AgriLend
-Instagram : agrilendfr 
- Facebook: @AgriLendFR 
- Linkedin : Agrilend with my business partners Lionel Lasry and François Fromaget.

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