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Conference in Nice: sport as a major economic domain




On Thursday 21 March a sports conference was held on EDHEC’s Nice campus.

It addressed the topic: 2023/2024: skiing & rugby world cups and the Olympic Games.

An exceptional roundtable discussion with participation from major players in the world of sports events, analysing the challenges in sport with a view to preparing for success.

At this event, delegates had the chance to meet prestigious guest speakers including: 

  • Emmanuel MÉTAIS: Dean of EDHEC
  • Bernard CURZI: DDirector of the BBA EDHEC Business Management and Online programmes (Nice campus)
  • Jean-Philippe LUSTYK: Managing Director of the channel i24 and sports journalist
  • Michel VION: President of the French skiing federation and the Courchevel Méribel 2023 association
  • François CODET: Chairman of the Steering Committee of Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur, Groupe BPCE, leading partner of the Paris 2024 games
  • Frédéric GIL: Director of Public Affairs on the Organising Committee for the 2023 Rugby World Cup
  • Didier DESCHAMPS: France’s national football manager (pre-recorded)
  • Cédric ROUSSEL: MP for the Alpes Maritimes, member of the Permanent commission for cultural affairs and education in the French National Assembly, and member of a working group on the Paris 2024 games at the National Assembly
  • Corinne CALLON: Mission Performance 2024, French Sports Ministry
  • JeanFrançois BACHELOT: Director of events and tournaments, Moratoglou Tennis Academy, former elite athlete
  • Alain GHIBAUDO: Chairman of Sport Carrière, a recruitment firm specialising in the world of sport
  • Gilles PORTELLE: Chairman of Only Sports & Passions (Groupe Webedia), which specialises in sponsoring consultancy for major sports advertisers
  • Cédric MESSINA: CEO and founder of My Coach Sport
  • Virgile CAILLET: Agent general, Union Sport & Cycle
  • Guilhem GUIRADO: Captain of the French national rugby team
  • Justine TONSO: Downhill skiing world championship silver medallist, two-time European and world downhill skiing champion, cross-country mountain biking silver medallist at the French national championships, and currently in her first year of the BBA EDHEC Online programme


The roundtable discussion addressed 5 major topics:

  • The emotions of champions
  • How is a win secured?
  • Organisation
  • Impact? 
  • Sport legacy?

Through these 5 topics, the aim was to understand all the mechanisms of organising sports events and the benefits they offer

  • Regional bids to host international sports events (lobbying, geopolitical strategy, etc.)
  • Organisation (role of the State, regions, big businesses, sports movements, etc.)
  • Economic, social and regional impact (growth in economic activity, job creation and improved cohesion in French society)
  • Legacy of such events (increased take-up of sports and improved performance in the country’s elite athletes)


The increasing success of sports events is an indication of how important it is to host and organise them – with significant benefits for the host country, both in terms of the spin-off benefits they generate and as drivers of attractiveness and regional development in the medium and long term. A wonderful opportunity for society as a whole!

These key players came together to explain the importance of a shared model combining the sports world, institutions, regions and the economic and social sectors.

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