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Changes in taxation ... but with the same deductions!




Since 1 January 2018, the “solidarity wealth tax” (ISF) has been replaced by the “real estate wealth tax” (IFI).

For those affected by the IFI, the tax deductions linked to donations continue to apply in the same proportions and under the same conditions (tax deduction of 75% up to a maximum of €50 K).
Your donations in 2018 can be deducted from the IFI declared in the spring, provided you make your donation before your declaration.
The relevant dates will soon be announced and shared on our website.
As for the PAYE system due to be put in place next year, there are no changes in relation to donations made in 2018, and there will be no “blank year”. Donations made in 2018 are to be declared in 2019 and are tax deductible in 2019.

Thank you for your trust and your generosity!


Make a gift 

For more information about these projects or about taxation, please contact Sabine Courouble, Head of donor relations  - Tel. 06 33 26 66 13

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