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Become an agile and intuitive leader: EDHEC offers a unique experience to top executives in Paris




Faced with the major challenge of digital transformation, top executives must display flexibility, agility and creativity. The "General Management Acceleration Programme" trains participants to explore the most essential strategic questions. At the pinnacle of this programme, they have the opportunity to experience a unique partnership with the Marine Nationale, an opportunity to test their capacity for adaptation.

The General Management Acceleration Programme (GMAP) was designed for top executives and corporate leaders looking for condensed, cutting-edge and specific training in today’s business challenges – and especially those of the future. "The GMAP is a way to update your knowledge, meet people, develop your own network, your ideas or your perception of business. But it is above all a “lightning” training programme that will trigger a process of reflection, strategic questions for your company”, explains Jean-Louis Raynaud, the programme director. Each of the 3 weeks that make up the GMAP involves 3 days of theory and 2 learning expedition days.

Successful leadership through disruption

The capacity of top executives to ask themselves the right strategic questions is a pre-requisite for the digital transformation of their companies. This affects all leaders, all company heads and all sectors.

Developing the agility of top executives is at the very heart of the final learning expedition of the programme. At the core of France’s military apparatus – the Ecole Militaire of the Marine Nationale – senior managers and company heads will be required to participate in a planned operation. Building on their condensed training, they must manage a highly realistic situation in collaboration with all other stakeholders: the office of the President, the competent ministry, the military and operational authorities, journalists, etc.

EDHEC decided to work with the Marine Nationale because the military institutions have also had to undergo transformation. Increasing professionalisation and diminished human resources and budgets have led to changes in the way they are organised. The digital transformation became an absolute priority.

The objective of this 3-week training course, and in particular this 2-day military simulation, is threefold: to raise awareness, encourage reflections on direct applications in participants’ own companies, and nurture the emergence of new ideas.

To find out more about the General Management Acceleration Programme (GMAP), please contact us at:


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