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Attacking the Money Supply to Fight against Online Illegal Content




While the Internet has created economic growth, new forms of social exchanges and political revolutions, it has also been the field for new types of fraud and infringements of rights. When people illegally upload or exploit content for profit, then cutting off their source of financing could be an effective means of combating the spread of such activities.

In the position paper entitled "Attacking the Money Supply to Fight against Online Illegal Content," Cédric Manara, Law professor at EDHEC Business School, conducted an analysis and inventory of some of the mechanisms that helped to put an end to illegal internet activities. Analysing two forms of income made from online activities — money paid directly to service providers and money received indirectly through monetization, such as advertising intermediaries— the study puts forward an action plan to implement the idea.

This working document, designed to promote debate about preventative mechanisms aimed at the financial flows, was presented on the EDHEC Paris campus on 13 November 2012 amid lively debate between the different stakeholders: the UNIFAB (Union des Fabricants), Google, PayPal and ASIC (Association of Internet Services Communities).

To download the position paper, click on the following link
"Attacking the Money Supply to Fight against Online Illegal Content"

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