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A single BBA EDHEC degree, a variety of tracks on three continents




By undertaking an ambitious reform of the EDHEC BBA, EDHEC positions itself as a game-changer that challenges the codes of bachelor programmes in Europe.

The new EDHEC BBA is an innovative programme, which strengthens its international anchorage and relies on the four fundamental pillars of the EDHEC BBA: academic excellence, international experience, professional commitment, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

The programme offers students a unique level of diversity and flexibility that makes the difference on the job market. Students can choose between three tracks that all meet their academic needs as well as their personal and professional objectives.

EDHEC BBA Global Business
This track, taught entirely in English, allows students to understand and apprehend the challenges posed by globalisation on three continents by taking courses at EDHEC Business School, UCLA Extension in Los Angeles (US) and Nanyang Business School in Singapore. It provides students with an in-depth cultural, academic and professional immersion. Students at UCLA Extension will major in international management and entrepreneurship, while at Nanyang Business School, their studies will focus on business and finance in Asia.

EDHEC BBA Management
This track promotes a balance between academic specialisation, international experience and professional experience.Thanks to its flexible and multifaceted approach (academic exchanges, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, etc.), students can adapt their studies on a year-to-year basis to fall in line with their professional objectives.

EDHEC BBA Trilingual
This track is aimed at students wishing to complete their programme with reinforced linguistic tuition in Chinese or Spanish. The last year of studies takes place at one of our partner universities in a country of the language chosen.

EDHEC BBA Online (100% online format)
This track offers customised online courses specifically tailored to the needs and constraints of students who cannot be on campus, including high top athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians, and double degree students, among others.

> More information :

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