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A research and Executive Education Centre for family business




The Rising Talents Campaign has also given rise to a new initiative, developed with the full support of large family businesses: EDHEC Family Business Centre. The new centre is designed to support members of families with family businesses, whether or not they are involved in the business, as well as business leaders and managers who work in family firms. 

The centre will develop research in several areas, including the quality of family business management, performance criteria and sociological and tax issues linked to the firm’s succession. It will offer programmes designed specifically to their needs, as well as themed events on its 5 campuses to share its research findings and enable the participants to discuss their respective challenges. The centre is backed up by the expertise of EDHEC’s academic community and a dedicated team composed of international experts and business professionals.

The EDHEC Family Business Centre has the following objectives:

·         To offer training and information sessions on the challenges family businesses pose in terms of governance, management, and succession

·         To publish relevant research into matters deemed important by the EDHEC Family Business Centre

·         To take on the role of a centre of discussion and exchange by organising conferences, holding international seminars, and publishing case studies and research

·         To go on demonstrating its international vocation, by being based at once in Lille, Paris, and Singapore

·         To create a Family Business Observatory as part of which the EHDEC Family Business Centre do international research and produce comparative studies

 The Centre benefits from the commitment of a powerful network of founding members and partners: Somfy Group, Roquette, Deloitte Caisse d’Epargne Nord France Europe, Oddo & Cie, and so on.

For more information, see the website


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