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A donor’s point of view: Stéphane Lagut (GE 1990)




Stéphane Lagut, Partner at Ernst & Young, based in Tokyo since 2003 as global head of audit services for the automobile sector, made a donation of €45,000 over 5 years to finance the equipment and fitting out of the student foyer on the Lille campus.
“I’m very attached to the School. Since I first joined Ernst & Young, I’ve always tried to promote EDHEC by pushing for the recruitment of EDHEC graduates and supporting their integration in the firm. I’m very impressed by the School’s development over the last few years and I’m sure that its reputation and the value of its degree are supported not only by the alumni who achieve brilliant careers, but also by the new generations of competent and ambitious students. After supporting EDHEC in a professional way, I really wanted to make a personal donation. The Rising Talents Campaign gave me the opportunity to do just that, but I also wanted my donation to have a direct impact on the students. The foyer is at the heart of student life on the Lille campus, and so it was naturel that my donation went towards fitting it out, helping to make it more lively and welcoming.”
Stéphane Lagut (GE 1990)

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