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A brand new 100% online MSc at EDHEC




This October EDHEC Online is launching its first Master of Science


EDHEC Online is expanding its range of remote learning courses with an MSc in International Business Management beginning in October. This Master of Science further enriches the existing choices:


An educational programme for our times

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how the performance of businesses depends on their adaptability in a shifting and globalised world. An organization’s strategy must therefore embrace models that can quickly evolve at any time. The course material covered in the MSc in International Business Management, fully taught in English over a 15-month period and jointly developed with prestigious international partners, prepares the managers of the future to shape their decision-making processes on the international stage.

To this end, the course focuses on the paradigm shift seen in the propensity of today’s consumers to engage with ethical and societal concerns, as well as the importance of mastering the multi-channel customer experience. One of the strengths of this curriculum is that students will have access to the FOME platform, an alliance of business schools who have pooled their academic experience and teaching staff. Students will be able to follow online classes from Imperial College Business School (London), ESMT Berlin or Ivey (Canada) in digital marketing, leadership, data analytics and other areas, thus complementing the foundational subjects covered by EDHEC. This includes à-la-carte access to classes at Imperial College London, from anywhere in the world.


Teaching material to boost your career 

You are already too aware of the academic excellence from which you have benefited at EDHEC Business School. EDHEC Online now offers content developed on the strength of learning innovations that bring considerable added value to your past on-campus experiences. By joining the MSc programme to build on or diversify your initial education at EDHEC, you will not only enjoy a 25% reduction on tuition fees as an EDHEC alumnus/a, but you will also be following a professional path fully in sync with our times.

The MSc’s international dimension and the technological expertise of EDHEC Online reflect the School’s 2020–2025 strategic plan, “Impact Future Generations”, with a focus on societal commitments. As well as on-the-ground knowledge from emeritus professors like Billy Salha, Philippe Foulquier, George Yip and Martha Maznevski in the core modules, students will also have two options linked to their career plans (entrepreneurship, ethics & CSR, data analysis, “agile” management, brand management, etc.). Not to mention the consultancy project and proximity e-learning scheme, which back up the theoretical learning with real-life knowledge.


To take up the Alumni offer (25% reduction on MSc in International Business Management tuition fees), contact Fabienne Boustane, International Admissions Manager: & 06 16 01 79 32.

You will find all the EDHEC Online offers on the official website:


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