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638 new donators to the EDHEC4All scholarship program




Thanks to the financial contributions of Edhec who attended the EDHEC Rendez-vous in Paris, London, Lille and Nice, 638 new donators joined the EDHEC4All scholarship program !
Congratulations to the new donors who have joined the campaign!

The EDHEC4All program : scholarships for diversity
Scholarships are awarded every year to promote the social and cultural diversity of students entering EDHEC Business School.
This inspired the EDHEC4All program, which helps to finance the EDHEC program for deserving students, whether they are French or not.

Go further by making a donation
In addition to this financial participation, and in collaboration with the EDHEC Rising Talent Campaign, EDHEC Alumni gives you the opportunity to make a donation.
Every gift, whatever the amount, has a real impact by:

• providing a student with a scholarship
• helping a graduate to start a business
• helping to equip the campus
• enhancing academic excellence through the recruitment of teachers and through investment in research
• helping EDHEC in its international development

Discover the Facebook application and quickly calculate the real cost of your donation after tax deduction

> Click here to read the Rising Talent program


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