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25% of students from around the world




Over 3500 students, which includes 700 international students, make their way back to the lecture halls.

Whether they’re from China, India, the US, Canada, Russia or Spain… every day, the new students converge on the EDHEC campus to follow their chosen programme: not only the ever-popular EDHEC or ESPEME programmes, but also the 6 Masters of Science programmes available on the campus, including the Masters in Global Business that was launched this year.

Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC, told us “Today, there’s a real explosion in the number of foreign students, with some programmes welcoming more than 50% of international students. Our ranking (12th) in the recently published Financial Times annual best Master programmes in the world has reinforced our strategy and highlighted our programmes’ international positioning.”

The new academic year also features an open day for the parents of Edhec and Espeme freshers. This year, it took place on the Lille Campus on Saturday 22 September, when around 1500 visitors discovered the campus.

“The day gives us an opportunity to present EDHEC Business School to the parents, as well as its strategy and specificities, its aims, its teaching methods and its projects… It also gives them a chance to talk to the EDHEC faculty and staff. They send us their children to be educated, so we can help them to mature and to prepare to successfully enter the job market. We’re delighted to welcome them here and to explain what their children can expect during their time at EDHEC.” Anne Zuccarelli pointed out.

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