1st Friday #3 : the elevator pitch on the entrepreneurs breakfast menu
As every month, entrepreneurs from Paris get together each first friday with a breakfast riched in advices and exchanges.
In February, it's around Jean-Michel Ledru, head of the EDHEC incubator, that our entrepreneurs learned more about the elevator pitch.
Improve your pitch with the good advices of Jean-Michel Ledru :
1/ be an actor of your pitch
2/ write down your scenario with 2 or three key messages
3/ repeat your speech in order to be natural
4/ shoot yourself and pay attention to your look, posture, gesture, language...
Some useful links to improve your elevator pitch
Elevator pitch videos :
Concours entrepreneur audacieux salon des entrepreneurs 2013
The winning pitch at MIT Global Startup Workshop
Elevator Pitch Winner - Katie Sunday-University of Dayton
2011 BPC Elevator Pitch Winner
Elevator Pitch lors du Startup Week-end Paris d'avril 2011
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