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"Careers drop in hours" for young graduates job search




Are you actively looking for a job ? Are you dreaming about a professional mobility ? You should participate to our ‘Careers drop in hours’ organized by EDHEC Alumni Career Centre for young graduates looking for advices, networking contacts and professional opportunities and are interested in exchanging practices and experiences with other alumni in the same situation.

How ?
A group of 5 young graduates will exchange autonomously. Each one will present his job search practices, application tools and will recommend networks, job boards and could also test its own “pitch” and give advices or ideas to the participants. At the end of this exchanges, Silvia Marichalar, International Career Manager, will respond to brief career questions, will present EDHEC Alumni career services, conferences and workshops, tools and resources available for the alumni. The length of this meeting will be a maximum of 2 hours

Where ? 
Paris Campus, 16 rue du Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris.

Registration ?  
To participate, you should directly contact who will indicate you the next ‘Careers drop in hours’ date and hour. It will be mandatory to present your ID card on reception of the Centorial building due to security reasons.

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