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"And why not you?" (Orange)




The new term kicked off with two “rencontres metier” held last week. The first of these “discover-a-profession” events presented the marketing, communication and business development professions, while the second focused on finance, audit and management control. Around 1000 students attended the two events in order to benefit from the experience of the professionals invited to speak about their different careers.   

All in all, some 10 companies took part, with each one presenting a different profession. Students gained an insight into stimulating professions from experts passionate about their careers. In front of a packed amphitheatre, participants presented their respective professions from A to Z, and spoke about career choices, preparing career projects and professional techniques in their chosen field. Presentations were also accompanied by a variety of interesting anecdotes including “digital is vital”.         

For students, these discover-a-profession events are designed to provide guidance in their choice of professional career, but also to help in the development of their network, particularly during the round tables accompanying the events and which enable interested students to talk directly with graduate professionals about their career experience.    

Don’t miss the next “rencontre metier” event on the Consulting profession on 20 November.

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