Investing in our plate: Solutions for the future of food

13 participants et 2 intéressés
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"Make an Impact for Good" Sustainability Programme

Investing in our plate: Solutions for the future of food  

Tuesday 22nd October - 6.30pm UK time | French Institute 

As part of its "Make an Impact for Good" sustainability programme supported by the French Embassy in the UK, the EDHEC Alumni UK board is very pleased to invite you to a new panel discussion "Investing in Our Plate : Solutions for the Future of Food" on Tuesday 22nd October at 6:30pm at the French Institute. 

Did you know that the food system contributes a staggering 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, puts immense pressure on land and water resources, and significantly impacts livelihoods and health? 

From production to waste management, the need to finance innovation is paramount. We must ensure food safety for a growing global population of 8 billion, while simultaneously protecting and restoring soil and water, and enabling healthier diets. The urgency and scale of change required are undeniable. 

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on navigating this critical transition, and for a networking cocktail to continue the discussion.

We look forward to seeing you there!


  • 6.30pm UK time: Welcome
  • 7pm UK time: Conference to start
  • 8.30pm UK time: Networking Cocktail 
  • 10pm UK time: End


Speakers will soon be disclosed. 


Launched by passionate members of the EDHEC Alumni UK Board in 2023, "Make an Impact for Good" is an ambitious programme of three main activities aimed at raising awareness on the sustainability challenges, connecting generations to find solutions and ultimately making an impact for good on society.

The three main activities are as follows:

  • A series of top-level panel discussions to highlight the challenges of sustainability. So far, topics have covered the role of the individual, sustainable finance, the circular economy and the transition to green energy.

  • A mentoring programme between Alumni in the UK facing a sustainability-related problem and EDHEC students from the MSc in Global & Sustainable Business and MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance

  • A bursary scheme to support Bachelor or Master students who meet bursary criteria and work on sustainability-focused projects. 

If you are interested in speaking at one of our events or becoming a mentor, please contact the UK team of "Make an Impact for Good" at: We would be delighted to collaborate with you!


The team of EDHEC Alumni UK's "Make an Impact for Good" sustainability programme is very proud to have been one of two winners of the 2024 hackathon launched by the French Embassy in the UK, and consequently benefit from their support to extend their series of events to the entire France Alumni network in the UK.

The France Alumni network is a network of former students from the French system of higher education. It allows Alumni from a wide range of schools stay in touch with their classmates, France, and gives professional opportunities.

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France Alumni
Schools include: INSP, Polytechnique, Centrale Supelec, Sorbonne Université, Celsa, HEC, ESCP, EM Normandie, ESSEC, Sciences Po, AgroParisTech French Five (asso étudiants français à Imperial, LSE, Cambridge et Oxford) Entente Cordiale - boursiers
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20,00 £GB

Institut Français

17 Queensberry Place SW7 2DT LONDON

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