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Johnson & Johnson Career Forum - 12th September




During the coming year, Johnson & Johnson companies will hire many graduating Master’s/MBA students for positions in Asia-Pacific, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Latin America.  It has planned a series of virtual events during the week of September 12 for students to explore these opportunities in depth.

We ask that you disseminate the attached flyer to students from Asia-Pacific, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Latin America. You might consider using this material for:

–         E-mails to individuals, groups, and clubs

–         “What’s new” communications

–         A student intranet site

–         Physically posting in appropriate locations

We believe that this event will be extremely valuable to your students because they can discover what it’s really like to work for a Johnson & Johnson company in one’s own home country. They’ll also learn about the International Recruitment and Development Program (IRDP), which has a long track record of successfully launching high-potential students on distinguished and rewarding careers.

visit : to register for our online Johnson & Johnson Career Forum.


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