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Here comes the sun ... and the winds of change for your career!




Are you already looking to September with questions and a deep desire for change? Here’s our advice: be proactive and transform your questions into action plans and positive energy!

We’ve prepared a Summer Session with a focus on career development and some 40 webinars to choose from in a programme of events that will allow you to move at your own pace and set your own agenda. Whether you want to do just 1 or all 40, it’s up to you! ;) In any case you’ll feel ready to tackle the next phase in your career with peace of mind …
So don’t hang about and discover the webinars that will be held in English:

Thursday, 01 July - 12.30 pm-1.30 pm (CET), in English
How to Lead Your Career with Purpose
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With Hind Frata (EDHEC 2001) : Executive Career Coach, Senior Marketing Director,

supports many executives and managers in their career development,

expert in Leadership and trains teams in “Human Leadership with Impact”,


Monday, 05 July - 12 pm-1 pm(CET), in English

Face periods of uncertainty with confidence
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With Martin Barbier (EDHEC 1988), Executive Director EDHEC Alumni
and Nina Bataille, Author of "Des Vertus de L'incertitude",
coach, training, instructor and conference speaker,
specialized in well-being in the workplace and family

Tuesday, 14 September - 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm (CET), in English
Building your personal branding

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With Bénédicte Gariel (EDHEC 1996), executive coach,
partner in the outplacement firm Cap Dirigeant
15-year professional background in sales management, team leadership
and marketing strategy in fast-paced environments (FMCG, Telco)


Thursday, 16 September - 12.30 pm -1.30 pm (CET), in English
Creativity: activate it whenever you wish to, either alone
or in collaboration with a team

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With Catherine Champeyrol (EDHEC 1987), consultant in operational creativity

and a painter. She accompanies entrepreneurs, directors and their teams
to mobilize their creativity in order to address challenges, diffuse tensions
and open new directions for creating value.

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