CAREER: "How to Lead Your Career with Purpose"

71 participants et 5 intéressés
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EDHEC Career Centre for life invites you to participate to the Alumni Summer Session webinar:

How to Lead Your Career with Purpose

An innovative career support program that will help you define your career plan in alignment with your life purpose.

This program will allow you :

• Discover the 4 common mistakes most professionals do

• Discover the 5 secrets you need to lead your career with purpose

• Major tips to help you find clarity and take the right decisions

• Achieve your goals with the right strategies


Build your career plan with meaning in a solid and aligned way with yourself and at the same time understand the challenges of the current job market and how to position yourself with winning and already proven techniques, all in a context of transformation and / or professional development.


The labor market is undergoing a transformation, especially since the pandemic. This generates new needs in companies and therefore new opportunities and it is important to know them.

Mastering new trends in the labor market and trades is necessary to develop a career plan and an adequate training plan, whatever your age: as a young graduate, manager or executive. There is no age to adapt, to develop, to train and even to switch. We are faced with a more open panorama: options are multiplying from business to entrepreneurship ...


Hind Frata

Executive Career Coach & Senior Marketing Director and ex-EDHEC, supports many executives and managers in their career development, in the professional transition phase or in questioning. She is also an expert in Leadership and trains teams in “Human Leadership with Impact”, at an international level because Hind is fluent in 4 languages.


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