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GLOBALIZING TALENT: Moving towards a global workforce?




« The search for talent crosses borders and highly skilled workers are a global commodity. “- Alistair Cox, CEO Hays

Finding the right talent to support international development and grow global diversity in management teams is one of the major HR challenges of our decade. Increasingly mobile and multicultural managers ready to evolve across continents are seeking out employers who are truly international. Foreign investment in Europe's firms is growing and consumer markets are shifting to emerging economies - what does this mean for your human capital and employer brand? What challenges face global firms in EMEA’s current business context? How do high potential international candidates identify and select global employers?

Join Talent and Recruitment Managers from EDHEC Business Club members CapGemini, L’Oreal and Lactalis with Google, Hays Executive, Sodexo, and Imerys on our panel at EDHEC MBA’s Global Talent Day in partnership with Hays Executive. The panel discussion is followed by a networking cocktail where you can meet experienced EDHEC Global MBA students and Alumni from 30+ countries to exchange ideas, network and source global talent.

EDHEC Global MBA Roundtable & Networking Event

GLOBALIZING TALENT: Moving towards a global workforce?

17:45 - 19:45,  January 9th
EDHEC Paris Campus, 16-18 rue du Quatre Septembre

Registration required for access:

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