Discover EDHEC Vox #11 dedicated to the students's vision of EDHEC and its ambitions
To mark the first anniversary of EDHEC’s Strategic Plan to Impact Future Generations, the new EDHEC Vox issue is dedicated to our students and created in collaboration with them.
Twenty EDHEC students from different programmes, from International BBA to Global MBA, explored issues associated with studying during the pandemic, the ‘new normal’ to be expected in a business school such as EDHEC and their views of EDHEC’s support in this unprecedented year.
To bring this edition to fruition, the students on the editorial committee interviewed Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School, met with alumni to discuss their inspiring journeys and reflected on their own experience of 2020.
EDHEC would like to thank everyone, especially the students, for their contribution to this edition.
Please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and colleagues!
Happy reading!
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