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Career coaching & afterwork with EDHEC Alumni in Amsterdam!





All EDHEC Alumni members have the possibility, once a year, to benefit from a free individual career coaching interview with our career consultants. These interviews are organized by distance (telephone or Skype) or face to face in our different campuses (Paris, Lille, Nice and London). Our consultants also travel abroad to meet our international alumni.

During an hour long session with you, our career consultants analyze and respond to the alumni individual career needs and help you plan for the future steps (professional project definition, application tools, interview simulations, salary negotiation and international mobility).

On 11th and 12th of April 2019, our International Career Manager, Silvia Marichalar, went to Amsterdam and carried out career coaching interviews with alumni based there. She received very interesting feedback from them. She also organized a networking event with the local community, and in collaboration with the ambassador Evelin Stratmann at the rooftop of the Volkshotel, Amsterdam.

If you are an alumni based internationally, please do contact Silvia Marichalar so that she can organize a Skype session with you!

Some testimonies about the alumni that received a career coaching session in Amsterdam:

F.T promo 2010: Freelancing in Amsterdam for a few years, I had the chance to meet Silvia during one of her visit in Amsterdam. The meeting was productive and helpful as she helped me structure my projects. She also shared some knowledge and documents to provide me with an easy to understand and applicable process to come up with a clearer career plan. I recommend taking the time to meet her to gain some clarity and useful insights about your next projects.

V.M promo 2017: At a moment in my career where I felt like I needed a change, I scheduled an interview with Silvia Marichalar who was visiting Amsterdam. The meeting was casual and helpful, while I felt a bit lost and I didn't know how to begin seeking for a new job, she was able to provide me advices to help me come up with a plan to approach this new challenge. I could get some feedback on my CV and she helped me to define my aims to establish clearer career plans. Overall, it was a useful meeting that took me one step further in my career path.

L.R promo 2011: Having relocated to Amsterdam a few months before and struggling to find employment here, I took the opportunity of a career session coaching with Silvia. She pointed out online tools that I did not know about, gave me tips on my resume and gave me advices on how to network. I also had the chance to continue the discussion and meet EDHEC Alumni with drinks at the networking event held later that night. I would definitively recommend meeting with Silvia for international career coaching.

M.K promo 2015: I was pleased to meet Silvia Marichalar, career coach in Amsterdam. As I have been always worked for myself, Silvia helped me understand the steps that I need to take in order to find a job in a new country and explained me how alumni network works. Also, she shared with me some tips that help orient on the professional market. Moreover, Silvia gave me feedback about my CV as well as advices on how to update it.


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