Candidat pour le Conseil d'Administration EDHEC Alumni : Marie-Catherine PATERNOSTER (GE 1976)
Le 20 janvier 2015 aura lieu l'Assemblée générale d'EDHEC Alumni. Comme chaque année, c'est aux diplômés de voter pour les candidats qui les représenteront au Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni. Cette année, 6 places d'administrateurs sont à pourvoir.
Parmi les 13 candidats, découvrez le profil et les motivations de Marie-Catherine PATERNOSTER (GE 1976).
Marie-Catherine PATERNOSTER
(GE 1976)
Fonction : EMEA Treasurer
Entreprise : pre-retired from IBM since May 2014
What are the reasons why you want to join the EDHEC Alumni Board members ?
I would like to join EDHEC Alumni board member to get the opportunity to share with EDHEC colleagues 30 years of career in a large international company , in which I had the opportunity to have several International roles and missions in several countries ( UK, Hungary ) . I also would like to contribute to EDHEC alumni team , helping out specific individuals like in the mentoring program in which I am already involved or contributing to a larger group focused on development of EDHEC reputation.
What are your suggestions for the next three years concerning the EDHEC Alumni community ?
leverage Digital technology to develop networking help Edhec alumni who faces difficulties in their career like change of orientation, getting out of their comfort zone, burn out...
“ Perform with passion ”
> Plus d'informations sur Marie-Catherine PATERNOSTER (GE 1976)
> Cliquez ici pour revenir à la présentation des 13 candidats.
Comment voter ?
Pour voter pour les 6 candidats de votre choix, connectez-vous à votre espace personnel en cliquant ici.
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> Plus d'infos sur le Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni
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