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Candidat pour le Conseil d'Administration EDHEC Alumni : Kevin O'BRIEN (MBA 1994)

Actu du Réseau



Le 20 janvier 2015 aura lieu l'Assemblée générale d'EDHEC Alumni. Comme chaque année, c'est aux diplômés de voter pour les candidats qui les représenteront au Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni. Cette année, 6 places d'administrateurs sont à pourvoir.
Parmi les 13 candidats, découvrez le profil et les motivations de Kevin O'BRIEN (MBA 1994).

(MBA 1994) 

Function : Director of Global Sales in Management Consulting & Advisory Firms
Company : FactSet Research Systems

What are the reasons why you want to join the EDHEC Alumni Board members ? 
I would like to join the EDHEC Alumni Board to help expand the global reach and awareness of the EDHEC brand and to help further bring together both alumni of EDHEC as well as prospective students to EDHEC. Based in Silicon Valley in the United States, I see every day how the world is becoming much more interconnected through expanding global business relationships, new and disruptive technologies, rapidly evolving business models, the evolution of social interaction as a business tool, and the advent of ongoing global governmental regulatory changes. EDHEC (via my Theseus Institute degree) prepared me to operate in this evolving business and social climate with confidence, preparation and creativity. That is something that I want to ensure is not only espoused and encouraged in the EDHEC European based Alumni community, but in connected global markets outside of Europe.

What are your suggestions for the next three years concerning the EDHEC Alumni community ?
1) Leverage the global Alumni network to help develop EDHEC as a leading destination graduate program for international professionals outside of Europe that want to be a part of a leading global advanced educational institute based in Europe. Encourage more active participation of EDHEC alumni in interviewing prospective graduate program candidates in their home countries. In effect the interview process becomes an opportunity to more aggressively promote the true global reach and education quality of local candidates (that are most likely considering local post-graduate options in their home countries).
2) Borrow a page from the EDHEC Risk Institute. Encourage EDHEC alumni groups in various parts of the globe to sponsor and host professional events that are 
a) low cost/no cost 
b) focus on important social and business topics 
c) present the opportunity for subject matter experts to come speak at the EDHEC events, and 
d) have the opportunity to be repeated in the future. This commitment to ongoing "thought leadership" can help to continue to position EDHEC as a leading destination program for international executives. It also separates EDHEC Alumni from most other alumni programs that are much more focused on inwardly focused networking events for alumni.

“EDHEC Alumni - Let's use the power of our network to expand the reach of EDHEC across the globe.”

> Plus d'informations sur Kevin O'BRIEN (MBA 1994) 

> Cliquez ici pour revenir à la présentation des 13 candidats.

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> Plus d'infos sur le Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni 

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