SF French Alumni Happy Hour x EDHEC, HEC, ESSEC, X, ENSAM

13 participants et 1 intéressé
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Hi everyone, 

Join us for a Happy Hour at 620 Jones to enjoy the (late) SF summer:

Tue Sep 10, 2024 from 5pm to 7pm.


This gathering is open to all alumni from ESSEC, HEC, EDHEC, X/Polytechnique and ENSAM/Arts & Métiers. 


This free, no-host event will take place in the wonderful outdoor patio of 620 Jones. While we hope the sun will brighten our cocktails, it’s always best to plan for a light jacket with the San Francisco summer :)

See you then!

Your SF Ambassdors: Mélanie, Stephane and Patricia 

Rencontre Internationale

620 Jones

620, Jones Street 94102 SAN FRANCISCO

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