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EDHEC Sailing Team wins AAGEF Regatta Race in New York! Sunday, 10 June 2018

Actu du Réseau



Congratulations, Karen, Lucie, Jean Marc, and Mat!


So thrilled to announce that our Sailing Team won 1st place at the AAGEF (French Grandes Ecoles Alumni Association in the U.S.) First Sailing Race in the New York harbour on Sunday afternoon, 10 June 2018. 


10 boats, each representing a French Grande Ecole, raced for 2 hours around downtown Manhattan and the race was followed by a networking cocktail.


A spectator sail boat followed the regatta which offered a magnificent view of the race and of downtown Manhattan. EDHEC had the best cheering team on the spectator boat and also won a prize for 'Best Cheering Team'. Prizes were given to the winning team during the cocktail reception.


Sailing has been popular and is a tradition amongst many EDHEC students and alumni. Our Team's 1st place is a very proud moment for our Alumni Community and we can now celebrate together with our Sailors.



EDHEC Sailing NY 10th June


Emilia and the EDHEC Alumni Ambassadors Team 


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