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Jerome Fontaine (EDHEC 1994) named UK's 2018 CEO of the Year in the Marketing Sector




I am writing to you on behalf of Jerome Fontaine (EDHEC 1994), our CEO & Marketing Performance Chief. I found your email on the EDHEC Alumni website. I had emailed Manuelle Malot and Sabine Lebrun yesterday but both emails bounced back. So I am hoping you could help me and answer my question below.

Jerome Fontaine (EDHEC 1994) who founded The Fournaise Marketing Group – The Marketing Performance Booster® (“Fournaise”) 14+ years ago, was recently named the UK’s 2018 CEO of the Year in the Marketing Sector by UK-based CEO Monthly Magazine. The article is going to appear in CEO Monthly on 07 Dec 2018.

Jerome Fournaise is one of the world’s leading Marketing Performance Measurement & Management (MPM) companies – specialised in Marketing Effectiveness Tracking & Boosting (METB). Using its proprietary technology solutions and models Fournaise Tracked & Boosted the Effectiveness of over 2.5 million Marketing (Product, Pricing, Channel, Communication, Brand) Strategies, Campaigns & Ads over the last 14 Years, across 20 Countries, 13 Industries and 13 Languages, B2C & B2B, for Fortune 500 & Large organisations, SMEs and many of the world’s top advertising agencies. Fournaise tracks & measures what works, what does not, where, on which audience and very importantly it understands why. From there Fournaise advises Senior Management & Marketers on the strategic and/or tactical corrective actions they should take to push their Marketing to deliver better results, effectiveness & ROI: more sales, more market share, more conversions, more prospects, more customer demand.



EDHEC Alumni is proud to let you know Jerome won this award.

A global press release (and communications to his clients worldwide) was sent on 07 Dec 2018. Jerome has asked us to include in some of them one or two lines about him being an EDHEC graduate – it is his way to thank EDHEC for giving him the business education that enabled him to achieve what he is today.

The CEO Monthly interview of Jerome titled “A CEO Bringing Effectiveness to the Marketing Sector” is live at:

Jerome is on cover of the CEO Monthly home page at

The press release :

The CEO Monthly Dec 2018 Issue is at:



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