French Alumni fête de fin d'année 2024

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Dearest French Alumni members and friends,


With the year-end fast approaching, what better way to celebrate the year's achievements and challenges than a FRENCH ALUMNI FÊTE DE FIN D'ANNÉE! Our party will be on 27 November 2024 (Wednesday) at 6.30pm. Our Vice-President, Chris Chong, has kindly secured the Moët Hennessy Bar (128 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown Level 23) and arranged for a mini wine & spirits masterclass en français. Une dégustation shall follow, and canapés will be served while we catch up with one another. Non-members are also welcome to join us and get to know the people who make up the French Alumni Singapore! 

As there is a limited capacity for the party, kindly sign up via the Google form here attached at the soonest. We will follow with payment instructions, and confirmation of your successful registration. 


Sylvie Kwok

On behalf of the French Alumni Singapore 44th Executive Committee

Rencontre Internationale

Moët Hennessy Bar

128, Beach Road 189773 SINGAPORE

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