Campus EDHEC Paris | Global MBA | "Leading in an AI-powered World"

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The Global MBA Hackathon takes place all day on 11 Jan 2024 on our Paris Campus. Teams of MBAs will compete to solve real business issues for Capgemini Invent, ServiceNow, Best Western, AXA IM, BMS, Michelin, Delaware and AML Factory.

At 19h00 there will be an interactive panel session on Leading in an AI-powered World where we will be joined by experts:


Vincent Perrin, IBM Technical Leader | Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing Ritchie Rafaralahy, CGI Vice President Digital and AI 

Qunkai (Kevin) LIU, General Manager @ Cyclone Robotics 

Samir ABBASSI, Digital Business Coach @ Thales Digital Factory 

We'd like you to join the panel discussion and to continue the conversation and meet our MBAs over a cocktail afterwards!  

Register here

Rencontre professionnelle
Diffusé sur : *CLUB EX MBA (Paris), *CLUB GLOBAL MBA (Nice), EDHEC Alumni MBA Paris club

Campus EDHEC Paris

16, Rue du 4 septembre 75002 PARIS

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