Carrière: Webinar "How to boost your employability and stay on track?"

32 participants et 4 intéressés
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EDHEC Career Center for life invites you to participate to this webinar:

How to boost your employability and stay on track?

In a highly competitive and fast changing job market where technology and remote work are evolving very fast, many executives are worried about the uncertain future with so many changes that may affect their career future. They fear to lose employability and attractiveness.

There is a strong fear of missing out in a highly competitive job market with new skills emerging and many don’t know

how to boost their employability and stay on track.

Many also suffer from a lack confidence and self-esteem to go out of their comfort zone, learn new skills, explore new fields.

Therefore, there is a growing need to ensure your employability, have a good positionning and gain visibility to be considered as an attractive professional. 

In this Masterclass you will discover:

  • The 4 biggest mistakes that are blocking you from moving forwardand building a successful and fulfilling career journey
  • The 5 secrets to Boost your Employability and stay on track in the long run
  • Why having a wonderful curriculum is no longer enough to be seen (and how to position yourself with impact)?
  • The Fundamentals of Professional Branding & effective Job Search Strategies

An innovative leadership approach to the current changes of future of work that relies on:

• Constant research on Future of Work trends and changes

• The experience of more than 18 years in multinationals with the expertise in leadership & soft skills for individuals and executive teams in international organisations

• The continuous collaboration with business schools.


Boost your employability and stay on track, understand the challenges & needs of the current job market and position yourself with a positive impact to stay well positionned and on track.


The labor market is undergoing a transformation, especially since the pandemic. This generates new ways to approach companies, recruiters and your network. 

Mastering these new trends and the deep changes in the labor market is necessary to develop a sustainable & successful career plan whatever your age: as a young graduate, manager or executive.


Hind Frata

 Hind is an Executive Career Coach, Marketing Director and EDHEC Alumni, supports international executives and managers in their career development, transition helping them to push their career forward with purpose. She is also an expert in Leadership and trains teams in “Human Leadership with Impact”, at an international level because Hind is fluent in 4 languages.

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