Yulia from the MBA team and myself Cathy from the Masters team are pleased to travel very soon to Africa and would be delighted to have your help during our events in the following cities:
Lagos 2 décembre 17:00 - 20:45pm MBA Lagos Continental Hotel
Lagos 2 décembre 17:00 - 21 :00pm Masters Lagos Continental Hotel
Accra 4 Decembre 17:00 - 20:45pm MBA Accra Marriott Hotel
Accra 4 Decembre 17:00 – 21 :00pm Masters Accra Marriott Hotel
Abidjan 6 au 8 décembre Masters no fair only 1-1 Seen Hotel Abidjan Plateau
Yaoundé 9 & 10 décembre Masters no fair only 1-1 Star Land Hotel Bastos
Cape Town 7 Decembre 11:00 AM - 3:10 pm MBA One & Only Hotel
Johannesburg 9 Decembre 5:00 PM - 8:45pm MBA The Leonardo Hotel
Do not hesitate to let us know your availabilities and to contact us for any questions you may have prior to the events.
This will be a great opportunity to exchange experiences, share insights, and strengthen our global EDHEC Alumni community.
We look forward to seeing you soon !
Cathy Pagan (Masters) & Yulia Prokopiv (MBA)
Mobile/WhatsApp: +33 (0)763593208
Email: cathy.pagan@edhec.edu & Yulia.prokopiv@edhec.edu
Évènements suggérés