EDHEC Alumni UK - Launch of the Women Circle!

26 participants et 2 intéressés
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The EDHEC UK Alumni board is launching « EDHEC Alumni Women Circle»


Register to be part of the experience! 

First online session 

29th November 6.30 pm

Believe it or not, women circles have been around for a long time across a multitude of countries, communities and organisations. 

Circles create a welcoming, confidential and trusting environment where women can:


- Freely share their experiences and their challenges

- Openly listen to and discuss their perspectives

- Actively learn from and inspire each other 

- Calmly take the time to reflect individually and collectively

- Individually set new goals and identify a way forward to progress


So come and join Marileen Koppenberg, who with the help of Aïssatou Bah, will facilitate the Circles. We welcome women from all walks of life, and at any stage of their career. Note that the circle is non-binary inclusive. 


A range of topics will be put forward by Marileen, the facilitator and selected together through a poll by the Circle members upon registration.


Certains Rules of Engagement:


- One essential element to any successful Circle is Commitment 

please commit to attending all 4 circles sessions (3 online / 1 in person) .

- The size of the Circle will not exceed 20

- Once launched, the Circle will be closed to new participants

- Sessions are free of charge 

- There will be no recording of the sessions


Dates and duration (75 mn) for the online Circles:


Novembre 29th @6:30 pm UK

January 17th @6:30 pm UK

March 7th @ 6:30 pm UK


To mark International Women’s Day on March 8th, we will invite a Special guest on our March 7th Circle session.

Date for "in person circle"- to be agreed as a Circle to ensure attendance (expected May/ June period)

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