Carrière: Webinar "How to develop your mental fitness?"

23 participants et 5 intéressés
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EDHEC Career Centre for life invite you to participate to the webinar:

How to develop your mental fitness?

An interactive program that will help you develop your capacity to respond to work and life’s challenges with positive emotions rather than been stressed or upset. 

This program will allow you to:

• Discover the 10 ways you sabotage yourself, 

• Discover the 5 superpowers to take control of your mind,

• Tips to help you find focus and peace of mind even in challenging situation,

• Start training your brain to reach your peak performance.


Gain self-awareness on how the self-sabotage part of your mind is running the show and taking control on your emotions and reactions. Learn what are the 3 core mental fitness muscles. Build the foundation to grow these mental fitness muscles. Understand that every situation can be turned into a gift or opportunity.


We are living in a world of constant changes and challenges, both in professional and personal life, especially since the pandemic. This generates stress, anxiety, fear that we don’t control if we are not mentally fit. These emotions can take over our capacity to think clearly, to be laser focused and take the right decisions. 

Mastering your mind and being able to react with calm and clear headed focus in challenging situation is a soft skill that makes the differences between good and great leaders. There are technics to take control of your mind and emotions, and it is important to know them.

Like physical fitness, mental fitness is a lifestyle that require a regular practice and that will improve your wellbeing but will also have an impact on your relationships and your peak performance.


Marion Becker

Leadership & Team Coach, supports executives and managers who are hands on and overwhelmed in energy & infrastructure. She helps them become more strategic and to handle their management challenges (first role as a manager, new role with more responsibilities, executive loneliness, dealing with a conflict, change management). She is also an expert in Mental Fitness and trains individual and teams in an 8 week journey to build and sustain their mental fitness practice, at an international level because Marion is based in Singapore.



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