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Une des forces du Global Mba EDHEC est de permettre de faire 2 voyages dans des économies en plein développement




Début avril, les participants du Global EDHEC MBA effectueront leur second business trip. Les étudiants ayant choisi le specialization track in "global finance" se rendront à l'Executive campus de l'EDHEC à Londres. Au cœur de la city, ils débattront des enjeux de la finance mondiale avec des dirigeants et des professeurs, et visiteront des entreprises. Les étudiants ayant opté pour le specialization track "global leadership" se rendront sur l'Executive campus de l'EDHEC à  Singapour. Dans ce pays modèle en matière de développement économique, les participants du MBA se confronteront aux modèles asiatiques de management et de leadership.

Vous pourrez rencontrer les étudiants du Mba lors de leur voyage
- à Singapour :
le 2 avril
et lors de l’événement « Key note speaker » organisé sur le campus de Singapour le 12 avril.
- à Londres :
le 03 avril

En novembre une partie de la classe allait en Silicon Valley tandis que l'autre se rendait en Afrique du Sud.
Découvrez ci-dessous le récit en anglais de ces voyages.

EDHEC Global MBAs gain a world view from South Africa Business Trip
A Journey to Learn : EDHEC Global MBAs gain a world view from South Africa Business Trip
EDHEC’s MBAs recently polished their « Global » label. The school organised a business trip to Capetown, South Africa in early December for the class of 2012. « The goal is to give insight into emerging economies and help participants gain a truly global understanding of how the business competencies they learn are being applied in markets which are very different from their own,» according to Sandra Richez, Head of Career Services who accompanied the MBAs on this incredible journey to learn.
Jashil Kim, who participated in the trip to South Africa says, « Growing up in the Philippines, I found alot of similarities in South Africa in terms of culture, society and economics on these two different continents, but the trip was a real eye-opener for me. »  EDHEC’s MBA is consistently ranked by the Economist as one of the most diverse and international MBAs on the planet. Despite the melting pot which is their classroom, their trip from northern to southern hemispheres was a true paradigm shift.
« I truly appreciated the sense of community you feel in South Africa – sharing common concerns and care for others. A corporate social responsibility theme underscored our whole programme in Capetown. For example, Backsberg Estate’s workforce of 95% of women was both surprising and evocative of the owner’s determination to uncover South Africa’s economic and social potential.  Some of the firms we visited felt a responsibility to employ as many people as possible even if it meant giving up efficiency to support the community in the long-run. This woke me up to an entirely different reality.»
The academic programme was built in partnership with Stellenbosch University, South Africa’s leading MBA. Corporate speakers shared insights from a broad range of sectors including Eskom Energy,  Impumelelo’s HIV/AIDS healthcare and solar energy initiatives, special education schools and skills training centres for the townships. Participants also focused on the huge mobile and ICT market in South Africa with analysis from Frost & Sullivan Consultants and Rothesay CEO Richard Lord. Agricultural firms Backsberg Estate winery and Two-a-Day (Tru-Cape) Africa’s largest apple exporter brought further insight into sustainability.
« I was struck by the levels of inequality with slums standing alongside luxury shopping malls, underlining the broad wealth gap between rich and poor. » In class, this wealth gap and the business models to deal with it were discussed in detail as participants focused on South Africa’s budding middle class of Black Diamond consumers. Classes taught on the Capetown campus included South African Leadership and Change, Telecommunications, ICT Innovation, Market Segmentation and Branding, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Returning to EDHEC’s campus in Nice, France, MBAs carry with them valuable lessons in doing well by doing good.

EDHEC MBA on a global business trip to Silicon Valley

January Intake students from this year were recently taken to Silicon Valley to cultivate their entrepreneurship and leadership skills with Emmanuel Metais (Director of EDHEC MBA) and Pierre d'Huy (Director of International Programmes).

The group was accommodated at the campus of Stanford University and the during the full four days of intensive and power packed schedule the students attended a number of conferences and seminars on entrepreneurship and got the chance to speak to the established entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley.

Day 1 was fully loaded with visit to successful startups like Clinovo, Plug and Play Tech Center and Trinet where the CEO’s of these companies presented the challenges faced by them along with the vital knowledge and experience in developing these companies 
Day 2 the group visited companies like Bambino Avenue, Apple Store, Daily Motion, Tesla Motors and Nonobject. This was again a long day with great experience gained in the MNC’s like Daily motion.
Day 3 started with a great session with General Partner of Sofinova Ventures. The day was followed by visit to Google, L’Atelier and Parisoma.
Day 4 was the day for Bay Area Solution, Intel Museum, Crosslink Capital and some shopping.
Overall the whole of week was pretty well designed and innovated to meet the needs of everyone in the group as an entrepreneur. The whole week motivated and challenged the thinking of the students to do something special for their own as an entrepreneur. Many of the students commented that Silicon Valley is the heaven for new companies focused on IT and Technology.

Plus d'information sur l'EDHEC Advanced Management Programme Seminary

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