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Target our students through Mock Interviews

Actu du Réseau



The EDHEC Career Centre has set up a unique programme designed to assist all MSc students in their job search and career development: the Talent Identification & Career Development Programme - TICD.
Students are evaluated individually on 10 managerial skills recognized by international recruiters and will develop those key skills through workshops. Furthermore, all students have the opportunity to meet an international Career Advisor in order to define their career plan.

In collaboration with our corporate partners, EDHEC Career Centre organizes TICD individual interview practice sessions on February 20-21st in Lille.
Students have the possibility, upon registration, to have a 20-minute fake interview with a recruiter or manager, followed by a 10-minute feedback.

You can have this unique opportunity to meet our high-potential students before the end of their courses.
Schedules can be organized to meet your preferences in terms of specialization (Legal & Tax Management, Marketing Management, Strategy & Organisation Consultancy, Arts & NGO Management, Entrepreneurship).

Should you be interested, please contact Marion DEGILA on +33 (0)3 20 15 44 56 or to discuss your participation.

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