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Sourcing now for EDHEC MBA Consulting Projects 2020 – discount for alumni!




We are currently sourcing for MBA Consulting Projects for our 2020 students. From 29 different nationalities, with 8 years average experience, our teams bring energy, experience and global viewpoints to your firm, contributing over 700 hours to completing your strategic company projects.

EDHEC MBA students deliver on projects in marketing, finance, business development, product launches, feasibility studies and benchmarking among others. Sponsoring firms have included Airbus Helicopters, Air Liquide, Amadeus, Bouygues, Calderys, Johnson and Johnson, L’Oréal, Orphoz, Schneider Electric and Vodafone in recent years.  

Could your company sponsor a project? In addition to helping our current students and your company, we offer a significant discount to new clients through alumni contacts.

Find out more in this short presentation
Watch this short video presenting the program

Myself or Lisa Nezam will be happy to give you more details.

Best regards,

Sandra RichezEDHEC MBA Program Director


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