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Société Générale: Graduate Programme international - Inscription jusqu'au 08 novembre 2010




Societe Generale CIB Global Graduate Programme

 Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking’s success is founded on the skills and talents of our people. As part of one of the world’s leading financial services groups, we have ambitious international activities with a broad range of graduate and internship opportunities across the world. 

The graduate programme lasts two years starting with a global training programme. Once this is completed you will have all the tools and ‘know how’ to hit the ground running as you join your specific team.  You should expect to be challenged as well as experience a very steep learning curve. You will receive support and ongoing development and networking opportunities once you are in your team, and this will take a variety of different forms, from on the job training to cross-business projects as well as a mentoring scheme.

We have opportunities in several business areas in the programme, including Accounting & Finance opportunities, for which we strongly encourage you to apply.

Are you ready for an exciting international challenge in a global organisation?

To learn more about the programme and to apply please visit:

Application deadline: 8th November 2010.

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